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Performance Flow

Visualize performance of processes, hierarchies, and custom networks in Power BI
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Performance flow use-cases

Use Cases

Process Flow
Cost Center/Financial Performance Analysis
Organizational Performance
Sales Performance Analysis

Process Flow

Visualize business flows in various Stages using Swim lanes with connector lines, associated KPI metrics, and trends in one single integrated view. Visualize processes in stages with swim lanes. Understand the business flows using links and current status with KPIs. Enhance insights icons for categorization and aesthetic representation to enhance insights.
Process flow

Cost Center/Financial Performance Analysis

Analyze Cost Centers in a KPI Tree using the multiple column hierarchy structure. View the KPIs aggregated on various dimensions like Department or Regions. View the grand total and its trend at the root of the tree for comprehensive insights.
Cost center analysis

Organizational Performance

Unveil HR/Employee Performance insights through an interactive Org Tree Chart with performance attributes and trends. Gain insights of the organization performance with pictorial hierarchy views of reporting structures. Visualize dependencies and collaboration with additional links. Enable quick navigation with predefined subtree views using Tabs.
Organisational performance

Sales Performance Analysis

Dive deep into Sales Performance at Regional, Departmental, and Salesperson Levels with Decomposition Trees. Capture the exceptions in Sales Performance using conditional formatting and legend click features. Add notes for textual contexts on specific data points for effective storytelling. Exploratory analysis by end user using interactive Search and Filter capabilities. Arrange the nodes in space efficient manner using the layout and orientation variations.
Regional sales


Features-Performance-flow-Swim lanes

Swim lanes

Visualize flows in stages for business flows


Illuminate dependencies and relationships within the hierarchy structure, driven by data or customized within the visual


Create subtrees for rapid analysis and pin those as tab pages in the visual


Leverage data-driven rules to highlight outliers, top performers, and bottom performers through node border, background, or font color for swift decision-making


Offer additional textual context through annotations, elevating the narrative and insights
Features-Performance-flow-Details view

Details View

Dive deeper with comprehensive node information
Features-Performance-flow-Predefined templates

Predefined Templates

Select from a variety of node styles to match your preferred aesthetics and enhance visual consistency


Monitor key metrics and Compare against Thresholds, unveiling Target achievements and Year-on-Year progress
Features-Performance-flow-Layout and orientation

Layouts & Orientation

Set the layout of the nodes and direction of the tree/flow as per the best fit

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For individual license desktop use*
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For Power BI desktop, service and report server; supports publishing and collaboration
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*Based on number of users.
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xViz Performance flow
xViz Performance Flow
Designed to enhance your decision-making process by providing a comprehensive overview of your data.
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6 Impactful Insights IT Teams can Uncover by visualizing Microsoft Tenant Data in Power BI  
Microsoft Power BI enables organizations to transform raw data into meaningful insights, making it a…
Webinar On-Demand
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xViz Performance Flow - Introduction
Designed to enhance your decision-making process by providing a comprehensive overview of your data.
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6 Impactful Insights IT Teams can Uncover by visualizing Microsoft Tenant Data in Power BI  
Microsoft Power BI enables organizations to transform raw data into meaningful insights, making it a…
Webinar On-Demand
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Merck casestudy featured page
Case Study
Customer Sucesss Story: Merck
xViz Performance Flow digitizes data, creating high-quality visuals for 7 dimensions of the financial supply chain at Merck
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Technical documentation - Performance flow
Getting Started
An Introductory Guide to setting up Performance Flow in your reports
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6 Impactful Insights IT Teams can Uncover by visualizing Microsoft Tenant Data in Power BI  
Microsoft Power BI enables organizations to transform raw data into meaningful insights, making it a…
Read more about Performance Flow
For any feature requests or questions about this advanced custom visual, please write to us at

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Learn to dynamically link people, places, and entities to key performance indicators (KPIs) and performance trends in a single visual.
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For individual license desktop use*
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For Power BI desktop, service and report server; supports publishing and collaboration
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Based on no.of Users*
Looking to buy 100+ licenses? Avail our 30-day Enterprise Trial
About xViz!
xViz is a leading provider of advanced enterprise-grade visuals for Microsoft Power BI. The powerful, intuitive, and customizable data visualization experience of xViz, maximizes the potential of the data and elevates analysis to new heights. This product is developed by Lumel Technologies (formerly Visual BI), which has a decade of experience in building add-on solutions on top of BI platforms (SAP BI and Power BI) with our suite of innovative products such as Inforiver, xViz and ValQ.
PBI Certified


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