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Leveraging Scatterplot for interactive data analysis in Power BI

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35 minutes
Prachi Mishra Product Consultant - xViz
Short Description
In this webinar, deep dive into how the scatterplot visual can be utilized in your Power BI reports deriving business insights. The speaker will walk you through the advanced analytical features of the xViz Bubble/ Scatter Visual and how it enables Power BI users to achieve their goals.

Why attend the webinar?

  • Make the dense scatterplot charts more consumable
  • Do an impact analysis of the best/worst performing entities
  • Highlight data with any typicality
  • Add notes for special data points
  • Provide interactivity in the scatter chart


Who benefits from the webinar?

All Power BI users looking out to empower their enterprise reports and dashboards


About xViz!
xViz is a leading provider of advanced enterprise-grade visuals for Microsoft Power BI. The powerful, intuitive, and customizable data visualization experience of xViz, maximizes the potential of the data and elevates analysis to new heights. This product is developed by Lumel Technologies (formerly Visual BI), which has a decade of experience in building add-on solutions on top of BI platforms (SAP BI and Power BI) with our suite of innovative products such as Inforiver, xViz and ValQ.
PBI Certified


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Plano TX 75093

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